If you would like to find and contact a luthier who specialises in the instruments of the violin family, I invite you to use the following means to get in touch with me.


Contact a luthier in Strasbourg

Phone: (+33)


You are welcome to give me a call anytime. But if I am not able to answer, please leave me a voice mail or send a text message with your name, contact details and the description of your query. I’ll do my best to call you back as soon as possible.

In addition, if you wish to contact me from outside of France, we can arrange a phone appointment through Skype, Messenger, Wechat, Kakao etc… In this case, you can simply send me an e-mail to work out a schedule.


E-mail: info@lutherie.art


You can also contact me by e-mail at any time of the day. I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.

Please use the form below, and a message will be sent directly to me.

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Contact a luthier via social media

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Facebook and Messenger

Discover my daily workshop activities on the Facebook page and contact me through Messenger.

You can click directly on the logo on the right to send me a message.



Contact a luthier on Messenger
ID: gklutherie



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I’ll get you through the virtual door to my workshop. Follow my Instagram page to not miss a thing.

You can scan the Nametag on the right to add me.



Contact a luthier on Instagram
ID: gklutherie



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Wechat: gklutherie

In order to communicate with me easily and securely from China.

You can scan the QR-Code on the right to add me.



Contact a luthier with Wechat
ID: gklutherie



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KakaoTalk and Plus Friend

If you are using the famous Korean messaging service, you can add me directly by using the QR-Code on the right. You can also follow my Plus Friend page so you don’t miss out on any news.



Contact a luthier with Kakaotalk
ID: gklutherie
